破碎机和. Breakers: A Complete Guide for Choosing the Right Option


Size reduction is the first step in many materials processing plants. The goal with this step is to reduce large lumps of mined materials, be it rock or mineral-bearing ores, into a conveyable size for stockpiling or further processing.

Producers have many equipment options for material size reduction, including 破碎机, breakers 和 sizers, but not all of them are suited for each application. 让我们来看看不同的设备选项,以减少材料的尺寸,并比较它们的各种应用.

What is a crusher?


The most common types of 破碎机 include 颚破碎机, Gyratory Crushers, 圆锥破碎机, 影响破碎机, 辊破碎机Hammermill Crushers.

Compression 破碎机, such as Jaws, Gyratories, Cones 和 辊破碎机, reduce material by squeezing or compressing it between a moving piece of steel 和 a stationary piece of steel


影响破碎机如Andreas, New Holl和和MaxCap破碎机,其特点是在一个腔内有一个旋转转子. They reduce material in three ways: by contact with the spinning rotor, 通过与衬在破碎腔壁上的破碎板接触,以及与在破碎腔内被甩来甩去的其他物料颗粒接触.

锤式粉碎机的工作原理类似于冲击式破碎机,因为它们通过与旋转转子和衬在破碎室壁上的破碎板的接触来减少物料. These machines also provide an attrition feature, grinding the material against a grate for further reduction before it is discharged.

Crushers can h和le a wide range of material, from soft to extremely hard 和 from dry to wet, depending on the type of crusher. 颚破碎机, Gyratory Crushers, 圆锥破碎机和辊式破碎机是众所周知的,他们的能力粉碎极硬的材料,可能是磨料,但不粘. Impactors 和 Hammermills can h和le soft to very hard, mildly abrasive materials that are wet or sticky.

Jaws 和 Gyratories are more often used as 初级破碎机, while 圆锥破碎机, known for providing a good product shape, are often used for downstream crushing to refine the product size. 辊破碎机, 冲击器和锤式磨机可用于初级和/或后续破碎阶段.



破碎机是一种通过沿着自然断裂线将材料破碎来减少材料的机器, exploiting the natural weakness of the rock.

Types of breakers include 回转式断路器Feeder-Breakers. 旋转破碎机的特点是一个带有内部升降机的旋转圆筒,它可以不断地提升和降低材料,使其沿着自然裂缝破裂. They also have the ability screen out invaluable material from the product material, 反过来, rejecting the harder oversize waste rock.

Black Panther 矿业 回转式断路器

给料机具有拖链式给料机和旋转挑料辊在一台机器上. Material is dumped or loaded onto the feeder portion of the machine, 哪一个将物料输送到机器另一端的旋转挑料辊. The large lumps of material are broken upon their encounter with the picks.


一般来说,破碎机是理想的破碎材料,而不会产生过多的细粉. Breakers are not suited for wet, 粘性物质, highly abrasive material or material other than coal that has a high fines content, 比如铁矿. 它们通常用于将大型原矿块初级还原成较小的原矿块, more manageable lumps. Feeder-Breakers are often followed by a shaping crusher or sizer, 而旋转破碎机则在选煤厂排出准备装载或洗涤的物料.

What about sizers? Where do they fit?

单独 小型,紧凑的机器是否用于各种材料的材料尺寸缩小. 这些机器足够坚固,可以处理坚硬的岩石和矿石,但也可以处理煤炭和其他软质, friable materials without creating excess fines. 单独 are also able to h和le wet, 粘性材料 that can cause material buildup in certain types of 破碎机, such as Jaws 和 Gyratories.


浆料机具有两个旋转辊轴组件,配有破碎齿. Material larger than the product setting, which is the space between the roll bodies, is gripped by the breaker teeth 和 compressed through the rolls. 辊子下面的碎料棒有助于粉碎任何不平整的材料,使其均匀, 体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 尺寸不足的物料通过辊子并从机器底部排出.

Because of their low profile, 单独 are ideal for underground applications, fitting into spaces with height restrictions or replacing larger 破碎机

Differences between 破碎机, breakers 和 sizers

Besides physical 和 operational differences, 破碎机, 破碎机和浆料机是为不同的行业和执行不同的任务而设计的. While there can be some industry overlap between the three, 破碎机, breakers 和 sizers are not always interchangeable.

For example, 回转式断路器 were designed for h和ling friable coal. 它们可以接受全部的饲料,并且能够剥掉岩石和垃圾,并将易碎的材料破碎成更小的尺寸以供进一步加工.

进料断路器在ROM煤和其他材料柔软易碎的应用中也表现良好. 它们通常用于材料的初级还原,为二级或三级上浆提供较小的材料. Feeder-Breakers are one of the best machines for low fines generation.

大多数破碎机, especially compression 破碎机, are great for h和ling materials that are hard 和 abrasive, 但不粘. 颚式破碎机和回转式破碎机不喜欢饲料中有过多的细粒,所以预先筛选用 Vibrating Grizzly Feeder, 梅花头式给料机 or scalping screen of some sort is a must. 颚破碎机 和 Gyratory Crushers tend to create fines, 因此,它们很适合应用于诸如黄金等有价值的材料位于岩石中的应用. These two types of 破碎机 create slabby, elongated materials, 因此,进一步的尺寸和成型与二级甚至三级和四级破碎机是必要的.


  • 颚破碎机 can h和le soft to extremely hard, abrasive materials that may be friable but are not wet or sticky.
  • 旋转式破碎机可以处理坚硬到极硬的研磨材料,这些材料可能是易碎的.
  • 圆锥破碎机可以处理软到极硬的材料,这些材料可能易碎,但不湿或粘.
  • 辊式破碎机可以处理软到极硬的材料,可能是易碎的,但不湿或粘.
  • 影响破碎机 can h和le soft to very hard materials that are wet or sticky.
  • Hammermills can h和le soft to very hard materials that are wet or sticky.
Westmorel和 Kemmerer

单独 are great for h和ling clay 和 wet, 粘性材料, 比如铝土矿, 镍红土, gold oxides 和 iron ore, 它们可以处理较硬的岩石,而不会产生过多的细粒,也不需要预先筛选进料(尽管在高细粒应用中,如果在分级机之前添加振动灰熊给料机,则所需机器的尺寸可能会减少)。.

While 单独 can h和le much harder material than breakers, 对于高强度或极硬的材料,它们并不总是最好的选择,这些材料最好是通过颚式或旋转式来减少. 单独 produce a uniform, 立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,并且具有所描述的任何其他机器的最小占用空间. They are also low-fines generation machines.

与其他类型的初级破碎机相比,尺寸也更简单,更安全. 浆料机装有电动滚轮,使机器移动到维护位置, whereas maintenance for Jaws 和 Gyratories often takes place inside the crusher.

Which option is best?

是否需要破碎机,破碎机或浆料机在很大程度上取决于要粉碎的材料. 了解您的进料特性是选择合适的设备来执行物料尺寸减小的第一步.

First, what material are you processing? Is it soft or hard? 干或湿? 粘稠吗??

Other important information to consider when choosing a crusher, breaker or sizer for an application includes:

  • Method of extracting the raw material
  • Method of feeding the raw material to the crusher, breaker or sizer
  • Desired production rate
  • 想要的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全

From this information, you will be able to narrow down whether a crusher, breaker or sizer is the best option. 你也可以确定什么类型的破碎机,破碎机或大小是最适合的工作.

最后, choosing a crusher, breaker or sizer for an application is not something to be taken lightly. 委托信誉良好的设备制造商,他们可以确保选择将帮助您以最高的投资回报率满足您的生产目标.

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